Michelle Carrington – MS, Certified Nutrition Specialist®, LDN
I am Michelle Carrington, a board certified integrative nutritionist licensed in the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia. My goal is to become a partner in people’s quest to feel better, look better, and be their best.
Like many of you, I am at a stage in life where I am paying more attention to my health. After raising two young adult sons with my husband and care-taking my mother for 4-1/2 years I must admit my health was not a number one priority. Of course I had my yearly physical and GYN exams to include the usual labs. I also managed to keep up with yearly eye exams. I was not always as prompt with getting dental check ups but I am getting better. You might be thinking well you did pretty good. True. I did get regular check ups BUT what I didn’t do was pay attention to how I was really feeling. I also didn’t take an interest in find out my lab results and figured if I didn’t get a call back then I must be fine. I was busy taking care of everyone else.
Fast forward a few years…..our children no longer need us as much, we’re done caregiving parents, we are a little older, a little heavier, might not sleep as well and our energy is not what it used to be. We finally see a doctor and are surprised by what they tell us. Diabetes, high cholesterol and weight gain are common diagnosis among others.
Good nutrition is integral to the effective treatment and even reversal of these conditions as well as a number of other health conditions. Earlier in life I found that changing my diet help me to overcome a severe Vitamin D deficiency and cystic acne. This discovery lead me to become a Nutritionist. Food is what I continue to rely on to help me at this stage of life as I work to prevent being affected by my family history of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and obesity.
My experience treating diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity has allowed me to help numerous clients and has helped shape my nutrition practice. Let me help you too!
I currently accept CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. For all other insurance, I’m happy to provide you with a superbill if you would like to submit a healthcare claim for reimbursement on your own, but there is no guarantee they will approve it.
Your partner in health & healing
Michelle, MS, CNS, LDN